Basic Content
Do you own any high quality images that can be used on your website?
To use our platform, your website needs to have have at least 3 high quality images. We can create them for you for $25 per image, would you like us to do this?
Note, to use an image on your website, it must either have been created by (or for) you, or have been purchased from a reputable stock photography website and come with a license permitting you to use it on your website. We do not recommend the use of “free” stock imagery. If you do not have images for which you can prove you have usage rights, we recommend letting us create your images. Copyright infringement is a federal crime. Please verify you own usage rights for all images you supply us.
Domain Name
Do you have a domain name?
Please note: I will need the username and password you use to access your domain management account, or will need you to assign me access to manage host records. Without this we cannot work on a website for you.
If your desired domain name is not available, I will assist you in finding one that is appropriate.